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Prosvetno delo

Prosvetno Delo is a leading publisher in the Republic of North Macedonia that specializes in producing high-quality books across a wide range of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children’s literature and schoolbooks.
Founded in 1945 as the first publishing house in the Republic of Macedonia, among the first published books are “Буквар” (Alphabet book), “Збирка македонски народни песни” (Collection of Macedonian Folk Songs), “Mакедонскиот Правопис” (The Macedonian Orthography) and “Македонска Граматика” (The Macedonian Grammar). Later on, the Albanian Orthography and the Turkish Orthography were published. These are only the begginings of almost 80-year tradition in publishing with more than 15 000 titles published in over 70 million copies.
Today our company has a diverse range of products in our retail network of 35 shops across the country. We offer a wide range of products to satisfy every customer needs, so besides publishing, we have evolved in suppling stationary (schools and buisiness), school didactics, educational and creative toys, and we also offer a rich gift selection.